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Kansas Aggregate Producers Association


Kansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association

KAPA Safety & Environment Committee Meeting

  • September 04, 2013
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Assn. Office Building (basement conference room), 800 SW Jackson St., Topeka, KS


Registration is closed

Chairman Tim Lohse has called a meeting of the The KAPA Safety & Environment Committee. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 4, 2013, at 10:00 AM.

MSHA Field Supervisor, Sid Garay and MSHA Small Mines Consultant Wally Pitney will be available to answer any questions members may have. They also have an informative presentation about the Top Ten Citations issued in Kansas and will discuss reporting of hours and mine notification of opening and closing. A copy of the agenda will be available soon. 

If you have any questions or items which you would like placed on the agenda, please contact Amanda at (785) 235-1188.

Safety & Environment Committee 

Acts as a liaison between governmental agencies and the membership and related industries on environmental and safety issues.  Meets quarterly and jointly with KAPA-KRMCA on the call of the chairman as required. 

Chairman:  Tim Lohse, Kansas Sand & Concrete, Topeka, KS (785) 235-6284

Committee Charges:

  • Plan and produce committee presentation at the annual meeting.
  • Serves as industry liaison with the Kansas Division of Water Resources on water issues.
  • Assist in the Regulatory Guide updates.
  • Oversee the Morgison Safety Award program.
  • Oversee the Driver of the Year Award program.
  • Coordinates Storm Water group application.
  • Plan and producer safety meetings/seminars /summits when necessary.
  • Responds to other environmental and safety issues as needed.
  • Works with Mine Safety & Health Administration and other agencies as needed.
  • Coordinates with the Sunflower Safety Council, Chapter of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association.  For more information on the Sunflower Safety Council

Interested in joining the Safety & Environment Committee? Print and complete the following form and return to Wendy Harms: KAPA-KRMCA Volunteer Form


Contact Amanda Schuster at

Copyright 2019 KAPA-KRMCA. All rights reserved.

800 SW Jackson St., Suite 1408
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: (785) 235-1188 | Fax: (785) 235-2544 
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