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Kansas Aggregate Producers Association


Kansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association

Design & Construction of Concrete Parking Pavements

  • September 20, 2017
  • 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Wichita, KS


  • There is NO cost to attend- BUT you must register to attend.

    Registration includes lunch & materials

Registration is closed

Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Pavements plus Fiber Reinforcing for Concrete.


Concrete parking pavements are increasingly being recognized as an effective solution to rising asphalt material and maintenance costs.  Learn correct design and construction techniques from our expert speaker Ken Justice, P.E., National Ready Mixed Concrete Association Senior Director for Local Paving.   Parking pavement section design (based on ACI330), economical use of reinforcing and base materials, and concrete overlays of existing asphalt will be covered.  The program will also feature Lawrence E. Kaiser, P.E., GCP Applied Technologies (Andover session), and Dr. John Kevern, P.E., UMKC Civil Engineering (Lawrence Session), speaking on the use of synthetic fiber reinforcing in concrete construction and paving.  Concrete Forums are sponsored by Kansas Aggregate Producers Association - Kansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association.


  9:30 am  Registration
 10:00 am  Opening Remarks
 10:10 am  Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Pavements:  Concrete parking pavements are frequently over-designed for the anticipated traffic loading and soil conditions.  Ken Justice, P.E., will present on correct pavement section design based on ACI330.  This session will assist the attendee with making an informed pavement selection decision while ensuring an economical yet long-lasting concrete pavement and successful project.  Also, Justice will provide the latest technologies in the use of concrete overlays on existing asphalt parking lots.
 11:30 am  Lunch
 12:00 pm  Fiber Reinforcing for Concrete:   Lawrence E. Kaiser, P.E.,  will cover the basics of synthetic fibers and how they function as reinforcement in concrete construction.  Detailed information will be provided about use of fibers in concrete parking pavements and the effect on section design.
 1:00 pm  Quality Concreting Overview:  This session will review some basic tenants of creating a quality concrete paving project.  Concrete mixes, proper placing and finishing techniques, and use of de-icing chemicals will be a few of the subjects discussed.  Douglas W. Burns, Ash Grove Cement, will present. 
 1:30 pm  Discussion / Q&A
 2:00 pm  Adjourn

Sponsored By:

 Central Plains 
Cement Company


Each attendee will receive the following:

  • Portland Cement Association Design & Control of Concrete Mixtures manual.
  • ACI330 Guide to Design & construction of Concrete Parking Pavements
  • ACI 330 Quick Reference Guide
  • CP Tech Center Guide to Concrete Overlays of Existing Asphalt Parking Lots
  • Certificate for 3.5 CEC/PDH

 There is NO registration fee and lunch will be provided.   All attendees must register by September 15, 2017    Please make note of the date and plan to join us.

Use the Registration link above/left for quick and easy on-line registration or download the registration form here.

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