The Kansas Aggregate Producers' Association and the Kansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association officially invite you to attend the 49th Annual Convention of the Kansas construction industry in Overland Park, KS, January 13-15, 2016. A program with more detailed information will be available soon.
We are of course planning a great line up of speakers and topics, so do not miss out on this great opportunity. Our theme for this year is "The Road to Success." With this, we hope to encourage and motivate our attendees with the right tools to keep their businesses successful even during tough economic times.
KAPA-KRMCA offers a special hotel room rate to attendees. In order to receive the special hotel rate during the convention dates, please make your reservations directly with the Overland Park Marriott Hotel by calling 1-800-228-9290 or use the link below. The room block deadline is January 4, 2016.
Hotel Room Reservations
We hope to see you all at KAPA-KRMCA's biggest event of the year!
1:00 p.m. Board of Director’s Meeting
5:00 p.m. Early Bird Registration & Reception (dinner on your own)
6:30 p.m. Board of Director’s Dinner
8:00 a.m. Association Trade Show Opens - ONE DAY ONLY
8:30 a.m. Registration Desk Open (Continental Breakfast)
9:30 a.m. Annual Business Meetings
10:00 a.m. Spouse/Guest Program
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. Breakout Business Meetings
KRMCA - Industry Update, Bob Garbini, President, National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
KAPA - Pit & Quarry Valuations in a Modern World, Art Pincomb, Associated Geologists
12:00 p.m. Kick Off Luncheon
Protecting your Property - William Perry Pendley, Mountain States Legal Foundation
1:45 p.m. Breakout Business Meetings
KRMCA - Five Cubits, Command Alkon
KAPA - What in the World Is A WOTUS?? - Pam Whitted, Senior Vice President, National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association
2:45 p.m. Break
3:00 p.m. General Session
Mistakes That An Opposing Attorney Would Love See You Make, Ryan Seelke, Attorney At Law, Steelman, Gaunt & Horsefield
4:00 p.m. General Session
What’s Shakin?? Kansas Earthquakes
Rex Buchanan, Kansas Geological Survey
6:00 p.m. Welcome Night Gala (Dinner On Your Own)
8:30 a.m. Sportsman’s Breakfast
The Winning Way, Tim Grunhard, Former Kansas City Chiefs Offensive Center
9:15 a.m. General Session: KDOT Issues & Answers
Accelerated Freeze/Thaw Testing, Dr. Nancy Whiting, Purdue University
KDOT Representatives
10:15 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m. General Session:
Preserving TWORKS, Mike Johnston, Chief Executive, Economic Lifelines
11:00 a.m. Association Awards Program
Municipal Concrete Awards Program
John Pendry, Midwest Concrete Materials
Morgison Safety Recognition
KAPA Driver of the Year
KRMCA Driver of the Year
Tim Lohse, Kansas Sand & Concrete
12:00 p.m. Governmental Affairs Luncheon
FAST Transportation, Governor Bill Graves, President, American Trucking Association
1:15 p.m. Awards Program
Governor’s Mined Land Reclamation Award
Volunteer of the Year
Presidential Recognition
2:00 p.m. 2016 Convention Adjourned
William Perry Pendley, Mountain States Legal Foundation
President and Chief Operating Officer

Born and raised in Cheyenne, Wyoming, he received B.A. and M.A. degrees in Economics and Political Science from George Washington University in Washington, D.C. He was a Captain in the United States Marine Corps, after which he received his J.D. from the University of Wyoming College of Law, where he was Senior Editor on Land and Water Law Review. He served as an attorney to former Senator Clifford P. Hansen (R-Wyoming) and to the House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee. During the Reagan Administration, he served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy and Minerals of the Department of Interior, where he authored President Reagan's National Minerals Policy and Exclusive Economic Zone proclamation. He was a consultant to former Secretary of the Navy John F. Lehman, Jr., and was engaged in the private practice of law in the Washington, D.C., area before his return to the West in 1989. He has argued cases before the Supreme Court of the United States as well as various federal courts of appeals; he won what Time called a "legal earthquake" when the Supreme Court ruled in his favor in the historic Adarand (equal protection) case. His monthly column, Summary Judgment, appears throughout the country; he is the author of four books: It Takes A Hero (1994); War on the West (1995); Warriors for the West (2006); and Sagebrush Rebel (2013). He is admitted to practice law in Wyoming, Colorado,
Washington, D.C., and Virginia.
Bill Graves, 43rd Governor of Kansas and President, American Trucking Association
Bill Graves was born in Salina, Kansas in 1953 to parents who owned a trucking firm. After graduating from Kansas Wesleyan University with a business degree, he worked in the family business. Where, as legend has it, he learned to pack them “high and tight”. In 1990, he was elected Kansas Secretary of State. He defeated Democratic Congressman Jim Slattery in the Republican sweeping elections of 1994 to become one of the youngest Governors in Kansas history. A moderate Republican, Graves was known for his disputes with the conservative wing of the Kansas Republican Party. His term of office saw strong economic growth for Kansas after years of recession, and a continued excellence and emphasis on education. He won re-election in 1998 with 74% of the vote, to become the first Republican Governor reelected since John Anderson in the early sixties.and one of the largest margins of victory in Kansas gubernatorial history.
Following his tenure as Governor, Bill has served as President and CEO of the American Trucking Associations. Under Graves, ATA also has been a fierce advocate for improving our nation’s infrastructure through the use of existing user fees, including calling for higher fuel taxes. ATA also spearheaded the effort to pass the FAST Transportation Act recently in Congress..
Michael Johnston, Economic Lifelines
Chief Executive

Mike Johnston was recently appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer for Economic Lifelines. A former state senator from Parsons, Michael Johnston served 14 years in the Kansas Senate, including service as the Minority Leader. He went on to serve as a cabinet secretary, leading the Kansas Department of Transportation. He also served as President and CEO of the Kansas Turnpike from 1995-2013.
Johnston’s biggest mission will be to protect the commitments made to Kansas communities and others. T-WORKS, the state’s 10 year, $8 billion transportation plan, has proven to be a vital program for all areas of the state, creating needed jobs, spurring economic development and ensuring safety on Kansas roads. Since its passage, over $2.1 billion has been diverted from transportation to fund other areas of the budget. The transfers have resulted in nearly $300 million in postponed maintenance projects. Mike’s background in both the legislative and executive branches of government gives him an important perspective in preserving the important investment in our state’s transportation infrastructure.
Rex Buchanan, Kansas Geological Survey

When Rex Buchanan became interim director of the Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) in 2010, earthquakes there were practically unheard of. Only a handful had occurred in the previous ten years, and none at all since 2008. But beginning in 2013, at least one tremor large enough for people to feel rattles Kansas every few days—an uptick in seismic activity that researchers have tied to the state’s oil and gas industry. After 37 years with the Kansas Geological Survey, interim director Rex will retire in June 2016. He has spent his career with KGS writing, conducting research and working up the administrative ladder including posts such as associate director for public outreach. Buchanan and Jim McCauley co-authored the book “Roadside Kansas,” a guide to geological landmarks across the state.
During the past few years, Buchanan has been dedicated to looking at saltwater injection from oil and gas production, and its linkages to manmade earthquakes. A topic strongly related to our operations.
Nancy Whiting, Purdue University
The Geology and Properties of Earth Materials Section is part of the Design and Construction Group. It consists of seven committees that propose research, share research findings, sponsor special activities, and provide a forum for transportation professionals to discuss today's and tomorrow's geology and properties of earth materials-related transportation issues. The chairs of each of these committees are members of the Geology and Properties of Earth Materials Section Executive Board, who along with the section chair, provide general oversight of the activities within the Section.
11/1992 - 9/2004 Geologist, Hydrologist